Tag: linux

Pure EFI Linux Boot on Macbooks

My company was really kind to get me a Macbook Pro (the 13.3-inch “5.5” variant). It is an awesome piece of hardware! (especially after my own PoS HP laptop I’ve been cussing at for a while now)

That said, I still don’t like the idea of running a proprietary operating system on it (as beautiful as OS X is ;)), so I continue to happily use Gentoo. The standard amd64 install works just fine with some minor hiccups (keyboard doesn’t work on the LiveCD, kernel only shows a console with vesafb).

The one thing that did bother me is BIOS-emulation. For those coming from the PC world, Macs don’t have a BIOS. They run something called EFI which is significantly more advanced (though I think the jury’s out on quirkiness issues and Linus certainly doesn’t approve of the added complexity).

Anyway, in order to support booting other OSes (=> Windows) exactly as they would on PCs, Apple has added a BIOS emulation layer. This is how Ubuntu (at least as of 9.10) boots on Macbooks. Given that both the bootloader (be it Grub2 or elilo) and the Linux kernel support booting in an EFI environment, it rubbed me the wrong way to take the easy way out and just boot them in BIOS mode. There is a reasonable technical argument for this – I see no good reason to add one more layer of software (read bugs) when there is no need at all. After a lot of pain, I did manage do make Linux boot in EFI-only mode. There is not enough (accurate, easily-findable) documentation out there, so this is hard-won knowledge. :) I’m putting this up to help others avoid this pain.

Here’s what I did (I might be missing some stuff since this was done almost a month ago). The basic boot steps look something like this:

  1. EFI firmware starts on boot
  2. Starts rEFIt, a program that extends the default bootloader to provide a nice bootloader menu, shell, etc.
  3. Scans FAT/HFS partitions (no ext* support, despite some claims on the Internet) for bootable partitions (i.e. having a /efi/… directory with valid boot images)
  4. Runs the Grub2 EFI image from a FAT partition
  5. Loads the Linux kernel (and initrd/initramfs if any) from /boot
  6. Kernel boots normally with whatever your root partition is

Now you could use elilo instead of Grub2, but I found this it to not work well (or at all) for me, so I just used a Grub2 (1.97.1, with some minor modifications) (just adds an “efi” USE-flag to build with --with-platform=efi). While I could make /boot a FAT partition, this would break the installkernel script (it’s run by make install in your kernel source directory), which makes symlinks for your latest/previous kernel image.

Instructions for installing the Grub2 EFI image are here. Just ignore the “bless” instructions (that’s for OS X), and put the EFI image and other stuff in something like /efi/grub (the /efi is mandatory). You can create a basic config file using grub-mkconfig and then tweak it to taste. The Correct Way™ to do this, though, is to edit the files in /etc/grub.d/.

Of course, you need to enable EFI support in the kernel, but that’s it. With this, you’re all set for the (slightly obsessive-compulsive) satisfaction of not having to enable yet another layer to support yet another proprietary interface, neither of which you have visibility or control over.

It’s pronounced Gwahdec

I’ve been terrible about it, but here’s the big update — I just got back today after spending the last week at the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit, location of the first co-located GUADEC and aKademy. It’s been amazing, and I don’t know where to start. Let’s try the beginning.

The GNOME Foundation has funded a very significant part of my expense for this trip (making it possible at all), so a huge thanks to Travel Committee for giving me this opportunity. :) To summarise …

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Shreyas and I reached Gran Canaria early in the morning of Day 1, but were too tired to make it to the first 2 keynotes. We woke up, had breakfast by the beach (the apartment we were in was <100 steps from the beach, and the auditorium was a 20 minute walk down the same beach — photos soon).

We did make it to Richard Stallman’s talk. It was quite generic, not surprisingly about software freedom, and nothing new to most of us. Of note were the great vitriol towards C# and the heathens who use it to create new software and a rather terrible and inappropriate attempt at humour that has been blogged about to death.

I met a huge number of people subsequently, some who’ve been at FOSS.IN before, and many whom I only knew by their online presence. The second half of the day was devoted to a number of Lightning Talks. I was pleasantly surprised to see the amount of work happening on semantic-aware projects. Good stuff.

Way to sleepy to continue making sense. More details on subsequent days, photos and so forth to come soon.

Edit: In the name of avoiding further procrastination, here are the photos.